Penn State Enters Hall of Shame

by Valhall

Hall of Shame and former coach Joe Paterno is complicit in  Jerry Sandusky’s sexual molestation of young vulnerable boys for decades. Paterno, along with top leaders in power at Penn State during that period in which these repetitive crimes against children and humanity were being committed, intentionally concealed “critical facts” that could have gotten a sexual predator and child molestor arrested and the abuse stopped.

Why?  Because they didn’t want the bad publicity it would bring to the university.

Well, pay now or pay later…problem is paying later usually has a lot of penalties and interest attached.  Looks like that bad press (contrary to statements made by current Penn State leaders that this wouldn’t tarnish the university’s reputation) has been heaped in orders of magnitude upon you all.

The 267-page report detailing who knew what and just what they hid has been released.  Named in the condemning conclusions as being complicit in the cover-up of ongoing criminal activity by Sandusky are:  Joe Paterno, Graham Spanier, Tim Curley, and Gary Schultz. 

So…the question is:  WHERE ARE THE INDICTMENTS?  These men covered up ongoing criminal activity and they as much as served as pimps in allowing their association with Sandusky and the facilities they were in charge of to be used by this predatory monster to find and abuse victim after victim.

Time to pay.
